Here we have one of Caleb's first few smiles! Too cute. You gotta love those first little baby grins.
And though he's not smiling in this one, it's one of my favorites. It just seems like it shows his sweet, gentle nature to me. For the most part, he is very mild and even tempered. He loves to watch his brother and sister play. Really, he's always been a people person. From the day he was born he has loved to be out where everyone is. He seems to relish noise and activity. Oh, and when it's not noisy in the house... meaning when the other two are in bed, *grin* he makes plenty of noise himself. He LOVES to coo, and he does it a lot. Oh Lord help me to remember and cherish these precious baby moments that are SO fleeting!!
Here's a picture of me with my little man. These, of course, are few and far between. Momma's usually the one behind the camera. It must have been a woman who developed the idea of timers eh? Hmm... sounds like a good homeschooling lesson opportunity. Digital Camera 101 for Quenton ;)
Here's another really good shot of those big blue eyes! He is SO (!!) strong too. He can hold that big noggin up for a long time on his tummy, and he's rolling over from his back to his tummy all the time. *Sigh* They do grow fast don't they?!!