Sunday, October 19, 2008


Here we have one of Caleb's first few smiles! Too cute. You gotta love those first little baby grins.

And though he's not smiling in this one, it's one of my favorites. It just seems like it shows his sweet, gentle nature to me. For the most part, he is very mild and even tempered. He loves to watch his brother and sister play. Really, he's always been a people person. From the day he was born he has loved to be out where everyone is. He seems to relish noise and activity. Oh, and when it's not noisy in the house... meaning when the other two are in bed, *grin* he makes plenty of noise himself. He LOVES to coo, and he does it a lot. Oh Lord help me to remember and cherish these precious baby moments that are SO fleeting!!

Here's a picture of me with my little man. These, of course, are few and far between. Momma's usually the one behind the camera. It must have been a woman who developed the idea of timers eh? Hmm... sounds like a good homeschooling lesson opportunity. Digital Camera 101 for Quenton ;)

Here's another really good shot of those big blue eyes! He is SO (!!) strong too. He can hold that big noggin up for a long time on his tummy, and he's rolling over from his back to his tummy all the time. *Sigh* They do grow fast don't they?!!

As our Caleb grows!

Well, Mr. Caleb came out with very bright blue eyes, but based on past experience, I had little hope that they would stay that color. However, I've been in for a surprise. See for yourself! This is Caleb at about 2.5 months. Hopefully you can see what a gorgeous color his eyes are in this picture. If not, no worries, there are more to come!
I've kind of been waiting this whole time for his eyes to change, because his brother and sister both have VERY dark brown eyes. Both of them started out with dark blue eyes, but they changed in the first couple of months.

Here's Caleb with Quenty, who, again, is quite delighted with his brother. Hmm.. now that I'm looking at it, I wonder what I did with that outfit. Isn't it adorable? My dear friend Praise sent it to me for him. It has these precious little turtles all over it, and well, I love turtles, although not quite as much as I love the little chunk that's wearing it. *Note how dark Quenty's eyes are*Oh, and did I mention he sucks his thumb? Lol! He looks addicted already doesn't he.

Some shots of Caleb-Coo

Well, now that you know Caleb made it safely into this world, I thought it would be an opportune time to share some pictures of my handsome little man. He's an adorable little bugger, and eats well *snort*.
Here he is at just a couple of days old, with his very, very proud older brother.

Here he is about a month later. Those cheeks are just MADE for kissin', dontcha think?
He sleeps rather soundly too. I must've taken 12-13 different shots of him that night, with the flash on and everything. He didn't move a muscle. God is good!

More later... blogger is having issues and won't let me post any more pictures. :)

Well, it's only been about 5 months *Cough*

It seems to me it's high time I update my blog eh? Life got pretty wonky (that's my new word for the week) after my third child graced us with his presence. Yes, that's right! In case you've been hiding under a rock and didn't know, Mr. Caleb Benjamin Haug arrived June 5th weighing in at 8lbs 4 oz (bigger than his big brother started out as) and 21 inches long.

If you'd read my blog previously, you would know, there was some question as to the position of this little man, as well as some prolonged pre-labor. As it turned out, we wound up doing with Caleb the exact same thing we did with Ari: Manually turning him and then breaking the water. He was born about 15 minutes under 5 hours after my water was broken. Praise the Lord for speedy births. The ride from the midwife's house home (so I could birth at home) after she broke my water was not the most comfortable ride I've ever had, but it was worth it! Let me tell you, I loved my home birth. He was born in what amounted to be a cattle trough, but hey, it's easily transportable and it served its purpose well. ;)

So, life is changing and ever different now, with this added little bundle. I've saved up plenty of things to blog about in my 5 month absence, so, Lord willing, look for more posts to follow shortly.