Friday, May 1, 2009

Interesting Find

So, thanks to a couple of people on some forums I frequent (can we say that 3 times fast?), I found a site called It's pretty cool!! If you haven't heard the word, here's the fifty cent tour, if you will.

Basically, the idea is that you do all of your searches off of their system, instead of going to google or yahoo, or that sort of thing. Their search engine is based off of google, so it's just as powerful and quick, but by using theirs, you get rewarded *big grin*. Here and there as you do searches, you will get awarded "swagbucks" which you can save up and trade in on "stuff" or gift cards to a variety of different places (common places), like Amazon, to name just one. Also, if you use their links to go to their support sites (like Walmart and Amazon and a zillion others) and you make a purchase, you get 1 swagbuck for every $5 you spend. 40 Swagbucks will get you a $5 giftcard to Amazon. I've only had an account for a week and have only done a minimal amount of searches and I already have 11 swagbucks ;) Pretty easy. Most of us stay at home Mom types do a lot of searches for this and that, so this is an easy way to get a little extra somethin' once in a while.

So... if you read this and it strikes your fancy, if you'd be so kind as to click the link that is to follow, you'll help me along in my swagbuck collecting by using me as a referal.

Happy shopping!!

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