Sunday, January 18, 2009

Continuing on ..

Ok, so I figured I'd better continue the story of my long journey to Idaho (and back).

Let it be known, that one should not have one's wisdom tooth pulled as their very first experience seeing a dentist. Shudder. Oh, and ideally, don't do it on vacation when you are visiting somewhere that you want to enjoy the foody places.... On the bright side, it's gone now... on the not so bright side, I will never get those hours of sleep I missed back ;)

So, I go to leave my Dad's house to head over to Seattle and my In-law's house, only to get halfway there and here a discouraging pass report. It'd been snowing off the whole time, and when the crackling radio informed me that the pass was currently closed and would "probably" be opened in an hour or two I thought better of waiting in the 10+ mile line of cars that would be accumulating before the pass opened again. As much as I wanted to go over the pass at 8-9 pm after being in the car 9+ hours with 3 little kids, with 2000 other Seattle drivers on snow covered roads. I, uh, went back.

I did eventually make it over the pass about 3 days later, free of chains, praise the Lord. Ironically several days later as snow fell with a vengeance on Seattle, my poor hubby got stuck one night while he was out getting me a milkshake. Now that's LOVE!!

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