Saturday, January 3, 2009

Welcome Home!

First off, Happy New Year!! Praise God, I know He has so much in store for us this year. Things are changing around here, and I'm curious to see what God is doing.

For starters, we just got back from a month, yes, that's right, a full MONTH of vacation. What a blessing. Geoffrey's parents blessed us with this trip as our Christmas present. And Geoffrey blessed us by allowing us to go and be away from him for nearly three weeks before he could fly up himself. I can't even tell how wonderful it was to see all of my wonderful family and friends after nearly a year. Absence certainly makes the heart grow fonder. Oh and how my heart did swell driving over the crest of the hill into Spokane and seeing all of my old favorite sites. Can you tell I miss my old home? Quenton and Arianna certainly enjoyed seeing everyone as well.

It was such a joy to see how Ari bonded (again) with her two cousins, Colton and Hailey. She absolutely loved sitting in Colton's (8) lap, and would do so whenever he sat down. He seemed slightly embarrassed, but flattered as well.

We stayed at my Dad's while we were there. Poor guy. He's used to living alone. I'm pretty sure it was culture shock for him to have 3 young kids in his house for more than two weeks. He took it well though, and was a wonderful gymnasium for the kids ;)
We actually started to leave his house once, and made it all the way to Moses Lake, Wa., which is about halfway between North Idaho and Seattle. Unfortunately, there was a huge storm traveling over the mountains at that time and they closed the pass for a while. So, back to Grandpa Bill's we went. We waited a couple more days and then made the trip for real.


~ April said...

Yes, WELCOME HOME! So glad that you are back safe and sound. Sounds like a great vacation!

nexis777 said...

Thank you!!
It was indeed, and that was only part of it ;)

More to come.