This pregnancy has been an interesting one, that's for sure. There's something so comforting about knowing what your due date truly is, and feeling as though you can count on that. I guess it's something I took for granted with my first two. So, why am I uncertain with this one you ask? Well, it all began back in, oh, August/September when we were moving down here. I had an hunch I might be pregnant near mid August. I hadn't "missed" anything yet, but we're uh, ahem, fertile people. So, I had that in the back of my mind as we made the LONG trip down here. We were blessed to have much help in packing things INTO the moving truck, but alas, no one was here to help us UNload it. So, Geoffrey and I, thinking (my fault) that we needed to return the truck pronto, unloaded the entire truck worth of stuff in less than two days!! And, I of course had to help carry all the heavy stuff. Dearest Quenton means well, but his couch lifting skills have not reaches their full potential yet. So, the first day we were here unloading I had a visit from "auntie"... But, it wasn't a normal visit. She didn't stay long. I believe I did take one pregnancy test which gave me a negative, but I took it while "auntie" was here, because I was rather confused. Anyway... fast forward to the next month and low and behold, I'm pregnant.
As the months progressed, it sure seemed like my belly was getting big fast. I really started to wonder about it. But, I also didn't want to get my hopes up. I mentioned it once off handedly to my midwife and she said things felt right to be due in June and not earlier. So, I settled myself down and was ready to wait till June for this sweet little man.
Then came my last visit with my midwife. I believe she had forgotten about our previous conversation regarding my suspicions of a possible earlier due date. She was feeling for the size of the baby, and when I asked about it, (me with 6 weeks till my June due date mind you), she said, "He feels like he's about 7lbs" (!!!!!) ACK!!!! Here I was expecting her to say 4lbs or something like that. I think I nearly passed out, lol! If I still had 6 weeks of the biggest growing time left on this guy, he'd be 10-11lbs in June. Quen was 8lbs and Ari was 7.3, bless her heart. I'd really rather stick to that region, thank you very much.
So, I did again mention the due date thing to her, and she nodded and said she was glad I'd mentioned it and that she wouldn't worry about it if I went early.
Goodness me. Now I'm all confused again. I truly had reconciled myself to being due in June, but if she's accurate with him being 7lbs NOW.... I sure hope he's due mid-May!!
This is me at 33 weeks, looking rather preggo, I must say!!
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